UK Official Records

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Last updated: 24/01/2025

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Apostille Legalisation

Legalisation (Apostille) is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a UK public document is genuine.

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Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates and Death Certificates are full length copies and can be used for official purposes.

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Google Checkout Acceptance Mark

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Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth

certified copy of an entry of birth

Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth

Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth

Good Morning, Welcome to UK Official Records !

This site exists to help you obtain a Certified copy of a Birth, Death or Marriage certificate as quickly and as easily as possible.

Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth

All Certified Copy of an Entry of Births supplied are full long form certified for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Rep. of Ireland (EIRE) and include parents names.
  • Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth
The certificate will normally include full name of child, mother's name, father's name (when registered) DoB, where born and registration district.

All certified copy of an entry of births in the UK have been required to be registered since 1837 for England and Wales, 1855 for Scotland, and 1864 in what is now Northern Ireland. As such, these dates mark the start of civil registration.

It is believed that between 1837 and 1875 up to 15% of births were not registered civilly, and the child was only baptised, because it was commonly believed that a parish registration was sufficient.

Prior to 1984, the certified copies of the birth indexes were arranged by quarter, January and March (March quarter), April to June (June quarter); July to September (September quarter) and October to December (December quarter).

A photocopy of a certificate is not usually accepted for official purposes, and so a certificate should be 'full certified copy of an entry of birth', one which gives details of their parents.

For a couple marrying abroad as part of a package, their birth certificates will used be required by the tour operators. They may also need to be legalised. Many countries will have this requirement for the wedding, such as Antigua, Australia, Bahamas, Bali, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Florida, Jamaica, Mauritius, Mexico, Seychelles, Spain, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Please confirm this information with your tour operator or relevant embassy, as requirements can change.