UK Official Records

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Last updated: 17/02/2025

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Apostille Legalisation

Legalisation (Apostille) is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a UK public document is genuine.

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Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates and Death Certificates are full length copies and can be used for official purposes.

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Google Checkout Acceptance Mark

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Birth Certificate Northern Ireland

Good Morning, Welcome to UK Official Records !

This site exists to help you obtain a Birth, Death or Marriage certificate as quickly and as easily as possible.

Birth Certificate Northern Ireland

All Northern Ireland birth certificates supplied are full long form certified/extract copies for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and include parents names.
  • Birth Certificate
This document will normally include full name of child, mother's name, father's name (when registered) DoB, where born and registration district.

If you were born in Northern Ireland, then you can change your birth certificate only under certain circumstances.

The birth certificate of a child one year old or younger:
In the first year of the child's life, the child's forename or forenames (not, however, the surname) can be changed and recorded in the register of births if the register officer is informed within two years of the child's birth.

Once the change has been recorded, then any replacement certificate which is issued will use the new reregistered name instead of the original registered name.

The birth certificate of someone over the age of two:
Documentary evidence will be required which can confirm that for at least two years the new name has been used. The birth register can note the change of either forename or surname, but the original names will be shown in conjunction with the new names when any further certificates which are issued.

All certificates since 1855 have contained the following information: the date and time of birth, the address at birth, the name and sex of the child, the father's name and occupation, the mother's name and maiden name, and the informant's name and their relationship to the child.

For full birth certificates issued which were recorded in 1855, additional information included was: Father's name, age, place of birth and occupation, Mother's name, maiden name, age, and place of birth, the parent's usual address, the place and date of the parent's marriage, and the number and gender and status of any previous children.

Between 1856 and 1860, only the minimum information was included in the register.

From 1860 onwards, the certificate has contained the minimum information and also, if the parents are married, the place and date where they were married.